Friday, April 26, 2019

Evolutions in China Film Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Evolutions in mainland China Film Industry - look for ExampleThe charter perseverance is a dynamic sector, compelling various fool industries in opposite countries to adopt the most recent technologies to remain relevant as far as audition satisfactions atomic number 18 concerned (Blythe, 2008). The main objective and criteria in the advancements of movie technologies is to improve the pure tone and the ability of the audience to enthrall such films, either at the cinema among early(a) media. This discourse is about the changes or improvements in the Chinas film industry, as a result of advancements of engineering science in the last two decades. It involves the comparisons of just aboutwhat selected movies produced in the last two decades and those produced as recently as this year. China mainly ventures in lead categories of movies namely commercial films, propaganda films as well as art films. The three categories undergo common film production procedures but differ i n the main themes behind them. Commercial movies are meant to promote regional and international businesses and this includes adverts and promotes among others (Hetzel, 2008). Propaganda movies are those employing more fictions in other words, thoughts and actions beyond human capacity. This category is the most selling. It whitethorn also include animations and sci-fi depending on the technology applied. Art films or movies are those promoting Chinese art and skills kindred Ti-Chi, Judo and Tae-Kwando among others (Rojas, 2007). The irony is that Chinese art films are more common in the Western world than in the country itself. This could be due to the fact that Chinese do not appreciate their practices or socialization while the Western part of the world does (Zhang, 2012). Advancement in movie technologies has seen the overall improvements in film production houses for the last two decades. Some of these technologies and invented in the country while others are adopted from a tomic number 63 and North America among other parts of the world (Wilkins, 2009). China first employed the VHS tape technology as the main movie storage tools. Movies could be recorded in such tapes then distributed for sale. The technology was helpful although it had some limitations. The tapes and tee casings were cumbersome to carry around, more so during distribution. There not great lasting and their quality could be compromised by dust or damp environment. Movies were later recorded on the DVDs which came with several advantages. DVDs are light in weight hence easy to transport, easy to manage and produces quality images compared to those recorded on the tapes. DVD technology still plays a great role in the innovational Chinese movie industry. The majority who cannot afford the Cinemas can simply walk to the movie stores located in almost corner of the country and pick the favorite movie in the DVDs (Pogue, 2012). The 2012 Chinese movie industry survey indicates that about 8 0% of the countrys film revenue was from the local consumption. However, the technology of DVDs came with some limitations, for instance, their quality is greatly compromised by electromagnetic waves among other radiations. A single scratch on the DVDs may create its way to the dust bin and only few and expensive DVDs can be re-written among other limitations. Then followed the BluRay technologies, which is far much better than the DVD technology but expensive. The modern generation in China accesses their favorite movies through the digital downloads. The movie industries have collaborated with various cloud companies so that the audience can download their favorite movies anytime and from any corner of the globe at a reasonable

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