Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Most Popular Alcohol Brands Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

more or less Popular Alcohol Brands - Assignment ExampleAccording to the research findings, priority 1 is ensuring that the consumers have in full access to the information about the brands, both new and existing ones. Action Step Hanging advertising posters, displays and any other relevant information about the quality of the unpopular brands. Objective To persuade as many customers as possible to taste and continue buying the unpopular alcohol brands. Priority 2 Ensuring full participation of staff and senior management in enhancing sales of the unpopular brand. Action pure tone Educating the entire staff about selling and promotional activities. Objective To create a competitive team that will promote high sales from inside the store to the alcohol market. Priority 3 Pricing, marketing strategies, and time of this operation. Action step Conduct market research about the prevailing alcohol prices and site a cheaper price for the product. Develop the marketing strategies and d etermining the period that the whole exercise will take.

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